Woo-Hoo! How exciting we get to see a new photographer every Friday from now on but to start this off with one very talented lady just makes this even better. I came across Ashley Crawford Photography's Facebook page through mine and what caught my eye was her "Hello There" default image. Clicked on the link and ta-da, I fell in love. It's not the standard stand here, smile and snap. Her work looks so free and in the moment. Her work is eye candy! So lets be in awe together as we check out her work and start stalking her Facebook page.

Ashley Crawford Photography

What inspired you to become a photographer?
     I definitely never set out to become a photographer, it really all fell into
place and came from a love of editing. Essentially, I needed photos to work on!
It evolved into what it is now by being surrounded by the beautiful
relationships I am so lucky to encounter.

What is your style of photography?
     I would describe my style as a little dreamy, sort of colorful and very fun.

Who is your favorite to shoot? (newborns, children, family, weddings etc.)
     My favorite type of session would have to be engagement. I am most inspired by the love I get to witness by just hanging out with a couple.

Which of your images do you love the most and why?
     Personally, my favorite images are of my daughter. But of course, I'm a little biased! Professionally, there is a photo of a mother and her two sons that gets me every time. I'm not even sure I can put my finger on it and it's certainly not the most technically correct photo I've ever taken. Something about her face is just pure love and pride to me.

Do you have a dream location that you would love to shoot at?
     Living in Nebraska, I dream of taking photos on a BEACH! Otherwise, I would love to photograph a couple in Rome. It felt very romantic to me when I was there so I think that would really be a beautiful place to showcase that emotion.

Name one thing that you think sets you apart from other photographers?
     My overbearing emotions! Can definitely be a strong point or a weak point. I have never not cried at a wedding and I often tear up in newborn sessions. I develop an emotional connection to my subjects extremely easily.

What are the top three things you wished you knew when you started your business?
     Keep track of EVERYTHING. Business is business and friendships are
friendships. They do not always mix successfully. That Lightroom existed.

What advice would you give to those starting out?
     Don't let other photographers condescend you! Teaching is one thing but the negativity in this business can be so discouraging. There are people with real talent that are talked out of it before even starting and I find that sad. Shoot everything. Find a rock-solid contract and use it.

What's your most prized camera piece? 
     My brand new 5D Mark iii is incredible but the 50mm 1.2L is still my best
investment. I fall in love with it over and over again.

Do you prefer Lightroom, Elements or Photoshop?
     LIGHTROOM. Photoshop is great and has it's own set of strengths but Lightroom is the workhorse! Talk about a time saver.

Favorite editing style- Ethereal + candid.

Random Fact about you-
People with fake animal heads on. Absolutely

Ashley Crawford Photography is located in the Omaha, Nebraska
Contact ACP through EMAIL or PHONE at (402) 415-8756